It all seems like Hallmarks big schmalzy day, I know. One could let it nauseate…

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It all seems like Hallmarks big schmalzy day, I know. One could let it nauseate oneself. But I love glitter and pink so I choose to go with the red hearts abundance flow. Here's our valentine to the Earth. We love him/her/they so much. Especially from here, the Clitoris of the USA, the top of Bernal Hill in spring time. Magnificent! Breath taking! California poppy pubic hair!? Happy valentine's day to all you people made of stardust, water and minerals. As you too are the Earth, we extend our love to you of course. I've got my 'ecosexual gaze' on this fine spring morning. Here's a datura tree is exposing herself to us in all her pale pink glory. Wow. Sex is going on everywhere! As a pro sex feminist when I see red hearts, I see vulva. Hearts are not shaped like the heart, but like a vulva. (Ecosex pride flag by Canadian artist Cindy Baker.) Today Beth Stephens and I will take the boat in the SF Bay to see "Ai Weiwei Explores Human Rights and Freedom of Expression in Series of New, Site-Specific Installations Inspired by Alcatraz Island" Then spend the evening with our beloved stardust and minerals, Joseph Kramer. The sun rays are penetrating my pores. Hmmm….ahhhh… You all should move to California. No don't! xxxooo And if you're feeling like you don't have a valentine and want one, why not think of the Earth as your valentine? She's already in her lingerie made of passion flower vines!

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