Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens' NY resolutions for 2014; act up, raise hell, rec…

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Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens' NY resolutions for 2014; act up, raise hell, recruit people into ecosexuality, get censored regularly, provoke thought and conversation, put out, fight corporate greed that pollutes the planet, dance, swim, eat healthy, more (eco)sex, get more grants, grow/change, pollenate, walk more, run, bike, protest as much as possible, influence, live dangerously, stay alive, don't worry be happy, plant trees, spend less time on Facebook, network socially in the flesh, improve our banjo and harmonica skills, swim longer, dress inappropriately, go wild, be "bad", get arrested for a good cause, be free, enjoy our aging bodies, face death, start/finnish writing projects, be better money managers, get more off the grid and use less resources, and love like there's no tomorrow. That's it! And you?

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