Beth and I ar…

» Posted
Beth and I are going to marry the SOIL in Vienna area on May Day. Come join us. Here's a call for collaborators. We ask for no material gifts, but invite people to help co-create a wedding performance piece that will celebrate nature in a really fun and beautiful way. Artists and non-artists are all desired. Check it out. Send/bring your friends. This is a huge festival with 50 other performances in a weekend. AA Bronson, Peaches, Keith Hennessy and others will be doing amazing things. Not to be missed. Let's get really dirty in our dirt bed, do a kinky May Pole dance (you can be the pole), come as a bride or groom. Deepen your relationship with your Lover Earth. IF there's a will, there's a way.

Call for Collaborators — :: donaufestival ::
donaufestival presents:CALL FÜR MITWIRKENDE BEI DER PERFORMANCE„MARRY THE SOIL—A DIRTY ECOSEXUAL WEDDING“mit Annie Sprinkle, Elizabeth Stephens und DIRWir sind zwei Ökosex-Künstlerinnen und ein Liebespaar, das eine Reihe von Hochzeiten mit Naturelementen inszeniert hat, in denen unsere Wertschätzung…

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