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We produced the EcoSex Symposium II with Femina Potens Gallery and the Center for Sex and Culture. It took place from June 17-19 at the new Center for Sex and Culture (CSC) on Mission Street in San Francisco, CA. The opening night of our EcoSex Manifesto art exhibit kicked off the Symposium II. This visual art exhibition remained in the gallery from May through June. This symposium brought together artists, activists, academics, sex workers and ecosexuals of all sorts.
- PROGRAM: Panel, Speakers, Topics
Elizabeth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle’s Ecosex Projects, Manifesto, Exhibit, & Symposium II
The ECOSEX SYMPOSIUM II IS OVER but remains documented here. We are now considering locations for Ecosex Symposium III and are open to all possibilities.
The EcoSex Symposium II was produced by Femina Potens Gallery in collaboration with the Center for Sex and Culture. It took place between June 18-19 at the new Center for Sex and Culture (CSC) at 1349 Mission Street (9th and 10th), San Francisco, CA.
EcoSex Symposium II explored these questions:
What’s an ecosexual?
Why are skinny-dipping, mysophilia and arboreal frottage so pleasurable?
Where is the e-spot?
Can the budding ecosexual movement help save the world?
These are some of the questions that will be discussed at our Ecosex Symposium II– a public forum where art meets theory meets practice meets activism. We are Elizabeth Stephens, a UCSC art professor and environmental activist and Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D., a former feminist porn-star, and pioneering ecosexologist.
We will kick off this weekend with the unveiling of our “Ecosex Manifesto,” visual art exhibit with new collages, our ecosex wedding videos and ephemera, new photographs, and a wall text of our ecosex manifesto. Our art projects aim to inspire more love and appreciation for our Earth and environment.
We will be presenting five panels each with a stellar moderator and four diverse presenters. Eocsexual theorist and author of seminal text, Gaia and the New Politics of Love, Serena Anderlini, Ph.D. is flying in from University of Puerto Rico to present the keynote, What is Ecosexual Love? A Guide to the Arts and Joys of Amorous Inclusiveness. Good Vibration’s resident sexologist, Carol Queen, Ph.D., will be discussing The Sexology of Ecosexuality. Dr. Robert Lawrence, Ph.D. will explore The Ecosex Body. Also presenting is Madison Young, the award winning queer porn movie producer, an artist, and head of the Femina Potens Gallery. She will cover the Greening of the Sex Industry. Tania Hammidi will do a dance about conflict in the Middle East, genocide and olive trees. There will be a special “ecosexi-love-a-licious vegan raw lunch” created by Becka Shertzer’s Brazennectar & Mister Cream. Other presenters are Dylan Bolles & Sasha Hom, Amy Champ, and the legendary porn actress Dr. Sharon Mitchell who will share about the Sensuality of Gardening. The author of the book Ecosex, Stephanie Iris Weiss will be skyping in from New York for a panel on ecosex practices.There will also be an open forum for participants to share their work and thoughts. And more.
Who is invited? YOU, your communities, artists, academics, students, activists, theorists, curators, ecologists, environmentalists, sex workers, art patrons, witches, nature nymphs, country folk, city folk, herbalists, historians, pagans, scientists, media people, and others. The opening night is free. The entire symposium weekend is just $35. No one turned away for lack of funds.
A San Francisco Arts Commission cultural equity grant plus support from the Queer Cultural Center helps make all this possible.
Becka Shertzer, Vegan Chef Brazen Nectar, and Gregory Manitsas, Vegan Raw Pastry Chef, Mister Cream prepared an Ecosexi-Love-A-Licious vegan organic Lunch for the symposium. It was beyond delicious. Sexecology is committed to making the environmental movement more sexy, fun and diverse. We are very serious about ecosex being an environmental activist strategy. Join us!
The EcoSex Manifesto Exhibit and EcoSex Symposium II is presented by:
Femina Potens Gallery in collaboration with the Center for Sex and Culture.
All events are at the Center for Sex and Culture located at 1349 Mission Street (btw 9th and 10th Streets), San Francisco, CA 94103
For more information call 415-902-2071
For more information on Stephens and Sprinkle see:loveartlab.org or anniesprinkle.org and elizabethstephens.org
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Draft 1.0 of a work in progress.
(i) WE ARE THE ECOSEXUALS. The Earth is our lover. We are madly, passionately, and fiercely in love, and we are grateful for this relationship each and every day. In order to create a more mutual and sustainable relationship with the Earth, we collaborate with nature. We treat the Earth with kindness, respect and affection.
(ii) WE MAKE LOVE WITH THE EARTH. We are aquaphiles, teraphiles, pyrophiles and aerophiles. We shamelessly hug trees, massage the earth with our feet, and talk erotically to plants. We are skinny dippers, sun worshipers, and stargazers. We caress rocks, are pleasured by waterfalls, and admire the Earth’s curves often. We make love with the Earth through our senses. We celebrate our E-spots. We are very dirty.
(iii) WE ARE A RAPIDLY GROWING, GLOBAL, ECOSEX COMMUNITY. This community includes artists, academics, sex workers, sexologists, healers, environmental activists, nature fetishists, gardeners, business people, therapists, lawyers, peace activists, eco-feminists, scientists, educators, (r)evolutionaries, critters and other entities from diverse walks of life. Some of us are SexEcologists, researching and exploring the places where sexology and ecology intersect in our culture. As consumers we aim to buy green, organic, and local. Whether on farms, at sea, in the woods, or in cities small and large, we connect and empathize with nature.
(iv) WE ARE ECOSEX ACTIVISTS. We will save the mountains, waters and skies by any means necessary, especially through love, joy and our powers of seduction. We will stop the rape, abuse and the poisoning of the Earth. We do not condone the use of violence, although we recognize that some ecosexuals may choose to fight those most guilty for destroying the Earth with public disobedience, anarchist and radical environmental activist strategies. We embrace the revolutionary tactics of art, music, poetry, humor, and sex. We work and play tirelessly for Earth justice and global peace.
(v) ECOSEXUAL IS AN IDENTITY. For some of us, being ecosexual is our primary (sexual) identity, whereas for others it is not. Ecosexuals can be GLBTQI, heterosexual, asexual, and/or Other. We invite and encourage ecosexuals to come out. We are everywhere. We are polymorphous and pollen-amorous, We educate people about ecosex culture, community and practices. We hold these truths to be self evident; that we are all part of, not separate from, nature. Thus all sex is ecosex.
(vi) THE ECOSEX PLEDGE. I promise to love, honor and cherish you Earth, until death brings us closer together forever.
The ecosex revolution wants YOU. Join us.
Elizabeth M. Stephens & Annie M. Sprinkle
Ecosex Symposium Program
Friday, June 17, 2011
7:00-9:30 PM (Free)
Come for the unveiling of new works by Elizabeth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle: Ecosex wedding videos and ephemera, new collages, a manifesto wall text, and more. A gallery tour performance by Stephens & Sprinkle at 8:30 PM. Ecosexi-lovelicious edibles by Brazennectar & Mister Cream, EcoSexy fashion show by the fabulous Marine Debris plus Rock Pillows by Dalia Anani.
Plus come register for the Ecosex Symposium and get your badge and meet the other participants.
Note: Panelists may be subject to change.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
10:30-11:00 am
Registration, coffee/tea. Get your badge. Coffee, tea and refreshments will be available free throughout the conference. Plus, there will be eco-yummy snacks for purchase.
The Love Art Lab: Assuming the Ecosexual Position
Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D.: WTF is Ecosex? Exploring the Places Where Ecology and Sexology Intersect; An Overview
Elizabeth Stephens: SexEcology-EcoActivism as Art
Carol Queen, Ph.D. : The Sexology of Ecosexuality
Robert Lawrence, Ph.D.: The Senses
Madison Young—Greening the Sex Industry
12:30-1:00 pm
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Ph.D.: What is Ecosexual Love? A Guide to the Arts and Joys of Amorous Inclusiveness.
1:00-2:30 pm
Please join us for a special meal together at CSC $15. Brazennectar & Mister Cream make organic vegan raw ecosexi-lovelicious edibles and sweets.
If you would like to order lunch for Saturday’s Ecosexi-Love-A-Licious Lunch, please order here:
Moderated by Jiz Lee
Tessa Wills: Anal Ecology; A Dedication to the Earth
Penny Slinger: The Dakinis as EcoSexual Ambassadors
Tania Hammidi Ph.D.: Olive Tree Hug
Dylan Bolles & Sasha Hom: The Myth of Ten Thousand Things
4:00-4:30 pm BREAK
Moderated by Sean Feit
Michael Morris: Ecosexuality: Intersections and Interventions in the Construction of Environmental/Sexual Subjectivity
Praba Pilar: The Cyborg Soap Opera
Jennifer Reed: Can the Ecosexual Movement Help to Reintegrate the Human-Environment Rift?
Sha LaBare: The Ecosexuality of Everyday Life
6:00-7:30 pm DINNER (In the restaurant of your choice.)
Moderated by Naomi Pitcairn
Amy Marsh, DHS, ACS, CHT: Toxins Ate My Sex Life
Scott Catamas: NonViolent Communication for the EcoSexual Movement
Travis Williams: Environmental Justice in Silicon Valley
Amy Champ: Absolutely Free and Radically Wild—Living Radical Ecology at the Berkeley Tree Sit
9:00-9:15 pm BREAK
9:15-10:45 pm
Moderator:Reid Mihalko
Stephanie Iris Weiss: ECO-SEX: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable *(Via Skype)
Dr. Sharon Mitchell: The Ecstasy of Gardening
Dragonfly: Lovealujah is the Garden of Eden
Kirk Read: EcoSexual Adventures in the Woods
Sunday, June 19, 2011
10:00-10:30 am
GATHER Coffee/tea, schmooze.
10:30 am-12:00 pm
Open microphone for any symposium participants that want to share their work and thoughts. From 1 to 10 minutes max. This session will close with La Tigressa’s BioSexual Goddess Striptease Poems.
Moderator: Dragonfly
12:00- 12:15 pm BREAK
12:15-1:00 pm
Moderated by: Lori Grace, M.A. Psych., LMT
1:00-1:30 pm
Elizabeth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle, Robert Lawrence & Carol Queen, and Madison Young The symposium be adjourned by an EcoSexual Tassel Twirling by Lady Monster.
$35. No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds. (For NOTAFLOF details and info, contact bethandannie@sexecology.org)
If you would like to order lunch for Saturday’s Ecosexi-Love-A-Licious Lunch (A vegan organic lunch prepared by Becka Shertzer, Vegan Chef Brazen Nectar, and Gregory Manitsas, Vegan Raw Pastry Chef, Mister Cream) please order here:
The Ecosex Manifesto Art Exhibit by Elizabeth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle will be open for public viewing through July 24th.
Gallery Days and Hours: Thursdays and Fridays 6/23 + 6/24 2:00-5:00 PM 6/30+ 7/1 2:00-5:00 PM 7/21 + 7/22 2:00-5:00 PM
Or by appointment with the Center for Sex & Culture
Femina Poten’s ECOSEXUAL QUEER PORN NIGHT—At TallTreeTambo.org 776 Haight st & Scott St. in the Lower Haight behind PKOK.
Thursday, June 16, 2011 8:00 pm
DIRT STAR at the Tenderloin National Forest, The Luggage Store
Sunday, June 19, 2011 5:00-7:00 pm Closing Night for Take Root with performances, food, free farm stand, and installations. Dirt Star Take Root is a queer sustainable art and food explosion. For more details.
Ecosex Manifesto Art Exhibit
This exhibit will shift the metaphor from “Mother” Earth (someone who takes care of you) to “Lover” Earth (someone you desire to care for). If people regarded the earth as a lush Garden of Eden full of sensual pleasures, as a sweet lover, perhaps they would take better care of our planet. We’ll creatively explore environmental issues such as the pollution of the oceans, mountaintop removal strip-mining and the mindless consumption of resources. The Eco-Sexual Manifesto exhibit will ‘queer’, eroticize and glamorize the environmental movement and be both serious and satirical, a call to arms, and a political campaign. We will make, sell and give away items to promote ecosex community identification in the form of posters, bumper stickers, buttons, t-shirts, underwear, and other items. We will also create an artfully designed pamphlet with our Ecosexual Manifesto text, a rhetorical statement of political principles, which will also be exhibited as a wall-text in our Femina Potens installation.
The Ecosex Manifesto Art Exhibit by Elizabeth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle will be open for public viewing through July 24th.
Gallery Days and Hours: Thursdays and Fridays 6/23 + 6/24 2:00-5:00 PM 6/30+ 7/1 2:00-5:00 PM 7/21 + 7/22 2:00-5:00 PM
Or by appointment with the Center for Sex & Culture 415-902-2071
Ecosex Weekend Schedule
Friday, June 17, 2011
7:00-9:30 pm Opening and Reception are open to the public.
Satuday, June 18, 2011
10:30-11:00 am Gather: Registration, Coffee/Tea.
11:00 am-12:30 pm Welcome To Ecosexuality
12:30-1:00 pm Keynote
1:00-2:30 pm Ecosexi-Love-A-Licious Lunch
2:30-4:00 pm Ecosex And Art
4:00-4:30 pm Break
4:30-6:00 pm Theories Of Ecosex
6:00-7:30 pm Dinner (Anywhere)
7:30-9:00 pm Ecosex Activism/Environmentalism/Politics
9:00-9:15 pm Break
9:15-10:45 pm Ecosex Practices
Sunday, June 19, 2011
10:00-10:30 am Gather: Coffee/Tea, Schmooze.
10:30 am-12:00 pm The Ecosex Community Speaks Out: Who We Are And What We’re Up To.
12:00-12:15 pm Break
12:15-1:00 pm Discussion And Where Do We Go From Here?
1:00-1:30 pm Closing Statements From The Symposium Hosts
$35. No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds.
If you would like to order lunch for Saturday’s Ecosexi-Love-A-Licious Lunch (A vegan organic lunch prepared by Becka Shertzer, Vegan Chef Brazen Nectar, and Gregory Manitsas, Vegan Raw Pastry Chef, Mister Cream) please order here:
Femina Poten’s ECOSEXUAL QUEER PORN NIGHT—At TallTreeTambo.org 776 Haight st & Scott St. in the Lower Haight behind PKOK.
Thursday, June 16, 2011 8:00 pm
DIRTSTAR PERFORMANCES at the Tenderloin National Forest/Luggage Store
Sunday, June 19, 2011 5:00-7:00 pm
The Ecosex Manifesto Art Exhibit by Elizabeth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle will be open for public viewing through July 24th.
Gallery Days and Hours: Thursdays and Fridays 6/23 + 6/24 2:00-5:00 PM 6/30+ 7/1 2:00-5:00 PM 7/21 + 7/22 2:00-5:00 PM
Or by appointment with the Center for Sex & Culture
With Special Thanks For Food, Drink and Decor
- Bison Organic Beer
One Coconut Water
Food For Life
Whole Foods Market/Haight
Cafe Gratitude
Mountain People Organic Beer and Wine
Lev’s Kombucha
Natasha Underwood, Indigo Solutions for Flower Design
Paul Mahder Gallery for Framing
Press Articles/Press Release
San Francisco Chronicle, Date Book, Beyond Tree Hugging, by David Wagner read article
New York Times, Art Beat, Annie Sprinkle on Sex, Art and Activism, by Jennifer McDonald read article
El Pais, Tendencias, El EcoSexo Como Obra de Arte, by Roberta Bosco read article
AOL Weird News, ‘Ecosexuals’ Make Love With Nature by David Boye read article
SF Weekly, Green is the New Hot by Keith Bowers read article
The SF Examiner, EcoSexual’s Unite for EcoSex Symposium by Kelly Patterson read article
Contact: Center for Sex and Culture (415) 902-2071
Femina Potens Press: Malia Schaefer feminapotenspress@gmail.com
Annie Sprinkle annie@anniesprinkle.org
Elizabeth Stephens: bethstephens@me.com
San Francisco, Ca.
What’s an ecosexual? Why are skinny-dipping, tree-hugging and mysophila so pleasurable? Where is the e-spot? Can the budding ecosexual movement help save the world? Who are the ecosexuals? These are some of the questions that will be discussed at the Ecosex Symposium II– a public forum where art meets theory meets practice meets activistism.
The organizers of these events are Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D., a feminist-porn-star and artist, turned “sexecologist,” and Elizabeth Stephens, a UCSC art professor and environmental activist. The two women explain, “As a strategy to create a more mutual and sustainable relationship with our abused and exploited planet, we are changing the metaphor from the Earth as mother, to Earth as lover.”
Artists and sybaritic cougars, Sprinkle and Stephens kick off the weekend with their “Ecosex Manifesto” an art exhibit with new collages, their ecosex wedding videos and ephemera, ecosexual photographs, and a wall text with their manifesto. Stephens and Sprinkle create art that aims to inspire more love and appreciation for the Earth and environment. The art exhibit and symposium are sponsored by Femina Potens Gallery and all events will happen at the new Center For Sex & Culture at 1349 Mission Street. The artists got a cultural equity grant from the San Francisco Arts Commission to help make it all possible.
Eocsexual theorist and author of seminal text, Gaia and the New Politics of Love, Serena Anderlini, Ph.D. is travelling from University of Puerto Rico to present the keynote, What is Ecosexual Love? A Guide to the Arts and Joys of Amorous Inclusiveness. Good Vibration’s resident sexologist, Carol Queen, Ph.D., will be discussing ecorotic issues in the sex toy industry and The Sexology of Ecosexuality. Dr. Robert Lawrence, Ph.D. will cover ecosex fetishes. Also presenting are Madison Young, an award winning queer porn movie director and artist who will cover the Greening of the Sex Industry. Artist Tania Hammidi will do a dance piece about conflict, genocide and olive trees. There will be a special ecosexi-love-a-licious vegan raw lunch by Becka Shertzer’s Brazennectar and Mister Cream. Other presenters are artist musicians Dylan Bolles & Sasha Hom, yogi and academic Amy Champ, and the legendary porn actress Dr. Sharon Mitchell who will talk about the sensuality of gardening. Author of the book Ecosex, Stephanie Iris Weiss will be skyping in from New York for a panel. Other speakers will present on many more aspects of this budding new sexual movement. There will also be an open forum for symposium participants to share their work and thoughts.
Although Stephens and Sprinkle use humor in their work, they are very serious about engaging ecosex as an environmental activist strategy. They aim to, “make the environmental movement a little more sexy, fun and diverse.” Additionally, they’d like to see an “E” added to GLBTQI.
PRESS PHOTOS: Available at http://loveartlab.org/press-gallery.php
Friday, June 17
Saturday, June 18
Sunday, June 19 10:00-1:30
ECOSEX SYMPOSIUM 11 ($35. No one turned away for lack of funds.)
10:30 AM to 10:45 PM
The Ecosex Manifesto Art Exhibit by Elizabeth Stephens & Annie Sprinkle will be open for public viewing through July 24th.
Gallery Days and Hours: Thursdays and Fridays: 6/23 + 6/24 2:00-5:00 PM, 6/30+ 7/1 2:00-5:00 PM, 7/21 + 7/22 2:00-5:00 PM Or by appointment with the Center for Sex & Culture.
June 16, 8:00 Femina Poten’s ECOSEXUAL QUEER PORN NIGHT—At ATA
June 19 5:00-7:00 DIRTSTAR PERFORMANCES at the Tenderloin National Forest/Luggage Store
Buy Tickets to the Ecosex Symposium II
$35. No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds.
If you would like to order lunch for Saturday’s Ecosexi-Love-A-Licious Lunch (A vegan organic lunch prepared by Becka Shertzer, Vegan Chef Brazen Nectar, and Gregory Manitsas, Vegan Raw Pastry Chef, Mister Cream) please order here:
BUY LUNCHCall For Collaborators and Additional Sponsorship
We invite companies, organizations and individuals to collaborate with us on the Ecosex Manifesto opening night festivities, and the Ecosex Symposium ll weekend.
Design and/or print our symposium program. Donate food, beverages, flowers. Help with press and networking, production assist, be part of our documentation team, be part of our installation team. Design and create ecosex oriented products (buttons, tshirts, undies, water bottles) for us to manufacture and resell to participants and for future events. Bring petitions, environmental actions, your creative spirit. Other?
In exchange, we can offer promotion, tabling, press, credits, our love and gratitude, free symposium pass, and other perks. Let’s talk!
Request More InformationContact Us
To contact Annie Sprinkle and Elizabeth Stephens and to find out more about our work, please visit our websites:
The Love Art Laboratory loveartlab.org
Annie Sprinkle anniesprinkle.org
Elizabeth Stephens elizabethstephens.org
The EcoSex Manifesto Exhibit and EcoSex Symposium II were presented by:
Femina Potens Gallery in collaboration with the Center for Sex and Culture.
For more information call the Center for Sex and Culture for more information. 415-902-2071
All events will take place at the Center for Sex and Culture located at 1349 Mission Street (btw 9th and 10th), San Francisco, CA 94103
For additional information, please email us.
Request More InformationPARTICIPANT BIOS
Please refer to the Program section for individual session times and dates for the speakers listed below.
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio
Believes that “a world where it is safe to love is a world where it is safe to live.” She is a scholar, writer, activist, professor, and cultural theorist. Her book of ecosexual theory, Gaia and the New Politics of Love is a 2010 Nautilus Winner in Cosmology and New Science. She is editor of BiTopia (2011), Bisexuality and Queer Theory (2010), Plural Loves: Designs for Bi and Poly Living (2005), and Women and Bisexuality: A Global Perspective (2003). Her memoir, Eros: A Journey of Multiple Loves, was a 2007 Lambda finalist. These are Routledge, New York, books. She is a full professor of humanities at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. In July, 2011 she will teach the first multilingual course in Ecosexuality in Italy. In 2010 she keynoted at the World Polyamory Association Conference in California and BiReCon in England. She speaks English, French, Italian, and Spanish. Fan Page: facebook.com/GaiaBlessings Blog : polyplanet.blogspot.com/ Webpage: www.serenagaia.com Email:serena.anderlini@gmail.com
Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio is the keynote speaker.
Dylan Bolles and Sasha Hom
Myth of Ten Thousand Things is a family project. In poetic song-like structures Sasha Hom speaks of all the impossible places we make our homes, while Dylan Bolles plays various instruments, sometimes singing.We work in the mess and see what happens. Dylan Bolles makes performances with people and environments, many of which involve the design and construction of new musical instruments and the cultivation of co-creative relationships through listening practice. Sasha Hom writes all kinds of things, but most of her time is spent chasing after her daughters. Sometimes she writes about this too. To check out more of her work and see her publications: http://SashaHom.com/
Bolles and Hom will present on the EcoSex Art Panel. Their presentation is entitled ” The Myth of Ten Thousand Things.”
Scott Catamas
Scott Catamas has won multiple EMMY awards as a writer, producer and director of educational television. He has created hundreds of original productions that have been performed live and/or broadcast nationally over NBC, HBO, SHOWTIME, FOX, UPN, etc. Scott started teaching in 2002, and has led hundreds of classes and workshops throughout the U.S. During this time, he has become a popular teacher and his events continue to expand. He has a popular weekly radio show and has been invited to teach throughout Europe. To learn more see http://lovecoachscott.com/
Scott Catamas will present on the EcoSex Activism Panel. His presentation is entitled ” NonViolent Communication for the EcoSexual Movement.”
Amy Champ
Amy Champ is a fourth-year doctoral student in Performance Studies at University of California, Davis. She explores connections between ecology and spirituality in performance and politics. She researches yoga’s impact on female bodies, transnational feminist collaboration, and women’s ritual arts. Her theoretical interests focus on energy and consciousness, democratic practice, lived aesthetics and ecological models of political change. Her dissertation covers the transformation of Western female bodies and identities through the global spread of yoga. Amy has an M.A. in Government and International Relations from California State University, Sacramento and a B.A. in Anthropology and Literary Studies from Pitzer College in Claremont, California and was a Fulbright scholar in Zimbabwe in 1995. She has been a member of the Green Party of California since 1991. To keep up with Amy follow her tweets.
Amy Champ will present on the EcoSex Activist Panel. Her talk is entitled ” Absolutely Free and Radically Wild—Living Radical Ecology at the Berkeley Tree Sit.”
Dragonfly is a lifelong artist-activist, challenging the politics of art, media, race, gender and sex. Her more provocative performances include Arena Studios’ legendary Black and Blue Ball, Epstein and Hassan’s Shock-and-Awe-a-Go-Go, Sarah Small’s critically-acclaimed Tableau Vivant of the Delirium Constructions, and a residency at TriBeCa Performing Arts Center as co-founder of writing/performance group, Matriotism. She has refined her many crafts with notable mentors: Linda Montano, Sandra Cisneros, Sharon Bridgforth, Leda Resureccion, and Edin Velez. She is a magna cum laude Rutgers University Honors College Scholar. She has also worked as an exotic dancer, phone sex actress, and dominatrix. Dragonfly is currently a deaconess/tenor in Reverend Billy’s Church of Earthalujah Gospel Choir, and developing her first one-woman show. Amen and Awomen!
Dragonfly will present on the EcoSex Practices Panel. The title of her talk is “Lovealujah is the Garden of Eden.”
Tania Hammidi
Tania Hammidi is a conceptual artist, educator, and freelance writer. She teaches design and queer theory at California College of Art and the University of California, Davis. She holds a Ph.D. in Critical Dance Studies, curates LGBTQ fashion events, and likes trees … a lot. More info: www.taniahammidi.com
Hammidi will present on the EcoSex and Art Panel. Hammidi’s talk is entitled “Olive Tree Hug” Photo by Blanca Muñoz.
Sha LaBare
Fur, milk, live birth!
Widgeteer, nexistentialist, and univore, LaBare recently finished a PhD in UC-Santa Cruz’s History of Consciousness Department. He writes and theorizes science fiction and science fantasy, and is particularly interested in speculative philosophy, ecological ethics and science fiction as a way of thinking about the world. Sha is the resident nexistentialist for the ecosexual movement. He is currently exploring the Ecology of Everyday Life. He will present “The Ecosexuality of Everyday Life,” on the EcoSex Theory panel via Skpye live from Canada.
Dr. Robert Morgan Lawrence
Dr. Robert Morgan Lawrence has a Doctorate of Education degree in Human Sexuality and holds an additional doctorate degree in health care. He has served as a sex industry consultant, educator and academic author and lectures both nationally and internationally about human sexuality and health. Lawrence has produced and designed safer-sex education events of many kinds, and has been active as a safer-sex educator since 1980. His professional work has been published in journals, magazines and books, and he has interviewed on radio and television programs worldwide, including Donahue, Penn and Teller, Montel Williams, Playboy TV and Channel 4 of London. He serves on the Center for Sex & Culture’s board of directors.
For more information see: http://www.sexandculture.org/about-us/founders.html
Robert Lawrence will present on the Welcome to EcoSexuality Panel. His talk is entitled “Our Bodies Our Ecosexual Selves.”
Amy Marsh
Amy Marsh, DHS, ACS, CHt, is a clinical sexologist, hypnotherapist, sex writer, and associate professor of sexology at the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. She wrote a weekly column, “Love’s Outer Limits,” for Carnal Nation (Oct. 2009-Oct. 2010) and is twice published in the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality. She hosts a program on BlogTalk Radio. Dr. Marsh has appeared on “Good Morning America,” “Tyra Banks,” and National Geographic Taboo “Forbidden Love” (airs June 6, 2011). She has dealt with environmental illness for over twenty-one years. As an activist, she is a former president of the Environmental Health Network (of CA). She stands with her current partner, Kukauakahi, in advocating Hawaiian sovereignty and preservation of sacred sites, including Mauna Kea. She has two sons: Asher, also a writer (http://tranarchism.com); and Paul, an aspiring tattoo artist. www.dramymarshsexologist.com
Amy Marsh will present “Toxins Ate My Sex Life.” on EcoSex Activism, Environmentalism and Politics panel.
Dr. Sharon Mitchell
Dr. Sharon Mitchell spent 25 years in the Adult Entertainment Industry as an actress, appearing in over 2000 movies, as a dancer performing in venues all over the world, and she has produced and directed over 42 movies. Mitchell received her PH.D. in Human Sexuality from the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. California. She then went on to complete her residency in Los Angeles, California at the AIM Healthcare Foundation which she founded and directed for many years. Dr. Mitchell is currently taking time off to enjoy the pleasures and sensuality of gardening at home.
Dr. Sharon Mitchell will be presenting “The Ecstasy of Gardening” on the EcoSex Practices panel.
Michael Morris
Michael J. Morris is currently pursuing his PhD in Dance Studies at the Ohio State University. His research is in the area of theories of the body and performance, and his current work is towards the development of a theory of ecosexuality, building from theories of ecofeminist philosophy, queer ecology, sexuality studies, and phenomenology. In addition to his scholarly work, Michael is a choreographer and performer, influenced primarily by his training in Japanese Butoh. He is certified in Labanotation through the Dance Notation Bureau in New York, and holds a BFA in Dance from Belhaven University. Michael writes here: http://morrismichaelj.wordpress.com/
Morris will present on the Theories of EcoSex Panel. His talk is entitled ” Ecosexuality: Intersections and Interventions in the Construction of Environmental/Sexual Subjectivity”
Praba Pilar
Bay Area/Colombian Praba Pilar is a performance artist, technologist and cultural theorist exploring aspects of emerging technologies which generate new forms of economic, environmental and sexual exploitation and erasure. Her wildly diverse work has been presented at museums, galleries, universities and all kinds of arterventionist/performalogic spaces nationally and internationally, and honored with multiple awards, from the Creative Capital award to the Hawaii Fluxus Award. She is currently a PhD candidate in Performance Studies at the University of California at Davis and can be visited online at: http://www.prabapilar.com.
Pilar will present “The Cyborg Soap Opera.” on the Theories of EcoSex Panel.
Dr. Carol Queen
Dr. Carol Queen is a writer and cultural sexologist with a Ph.D. in human sexuality. She is a noted essayist whose own collection of essays, Real Live Nude Girl: Chronicles of Sex-Positive Culture, was published in 1997 and reissued in 2002. She has appeared in several explicit educational videos, notably “Carol Queen’s Great Vibrations: An Explicit Consumer Tour of Vibrators” and “Bend Over Boyfriend: An Adventurous Couple’s Guide to Male Anal Pleasure.” Queen works as staff sexologist and is the Chief Cultural Officer at Good Vibrations. Queen is active on behalf of progressive sex education and sexual minority issues. Her perspective in addressing sexual diversity incorporates personal experience, accurate sex information, and informed cultural commentary. See www.carolqueen.com for her blogs and more.
Carol Queen will present on the Welcome to EcoSexuality Panel. Her talk is entitled “The Sexology of Ecosexuality.”
Kirk Read
Kirk Read is the author of “How I Learned to Snap” and director of Army of Lovers. He has toured nationally with the Sex Workers Art Show, the Queen’s English and Sister Spit. He cohosts the longrunning queer open mics K’vetsh and Smack Dab. He created the shows “This is the Thing” and “Computer Face” and is a regular at performance series like Porchlight, Perverts Put Out, Radar and Litquake. He created “Formerly Known As,” a festival of male and trans sex worker performance because he loves cultural activism but hates meetings. He loves backpacking, mud and weeds and stinging nettles. To find out more about Kirk’s work see his website. www.kirkread.com
Kirk Read will present “EcoSexual Adventures in the Woods,” on the EcoSex Practices panel.
Jennifer J. Reed MA
Jennifer J. Reed is a doctoral student and instructor in sociology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She specializes in environment and health as well as sexuality and gender issues. Jennifer is the mother of three beautiful adult children – two born of her womb and one later of her heart – and recently witnessed the amazing birth of her first grandbaby. She worked as an erotic dancer for fifteen years while raising her children. Jennifer is certified in various energy healing techniques after facing her own personal health challenges. She helped found a successful alternative healing arts center for youth and families in Ohio which just expanded to Florida. Jennifer identifies as an ecosexual and is an avid social justice activist. She feels fascinated by how social issues that many take for granted today are actually “socially constructed” rather than “natural” in origin, meaning that they can indeed be changed!
Reed will present “Can the Ecosexual Movement Help to Reintegrate the Human-Environment Rift?” on the Theories of EcoSex Panel.
Penny Slinger
Penny Slinger is an artist, writer and filmmaker who has not only championed the liberation of sexuality and the feminine, but actively forged new paths. Her art and techniques have been on the cutting edge of new realities since she emerged onto the London art scene at the end of the 1960s. Using herself as her own muse, she stripped away the layers of the feminine psyche as ‘the ultimate expose’ in photocollages and sculptures featuring life casts. Her artwork has been widely exhibited and a number of books and videos of her work have been published. She co-authored and illustrated ‘Sexual Secrets, The Alchemy of Ecstasy’ (1979), a seminal work bringing Tantra to a wider audience. Her current work, the 64 Dakini Oracle, has been many years in the making. The images are highly detailed digital collages, which Penny recognizes as a new medium for fine art. The oracle comprises 64 Divine Feminine archetypes in the form of a Goddess Temple for our time. www.pennyslinger.com and www.64dakinioracle.org
Penny Slinger will present “The Dakinis as EcoSexual Ambassadors”on the EcoSex Art Panel.
Annie Sprinkle
Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D. has 38 years of experience in sexually oriented art, entertainment, and media. She was a prostitute and porn star for twenty years, then bridged into the art world and became an internationally acclaimed performance artist doing theater about her life. Sprinkle was a mover and shaker in the 80’s “sex positive feminist” movement, taught sexuality workshops in 14 countries and helped pioneer new sex film genres. Sprinkle became the first porn star to earn a Ph.D. Today she is a committed environmental activist and helping grow the ecosex movement. She lives and works with her beloved life partner, artist/professor Elizabeth Stephens, and their doggie Bob, in San Francisco. They are “pollen-amourous,” married to the Earth, Sky and Sea. To check out more of her work and see her publications.
http://anniesprinkle.org/ and http://loveartlab.org/
Sprinkle will present “WTF is Ecosex? Exploring the Places Where Ecology and Sexology Intersect; An Overview.” on the Welcome to EcoSexuality Panel.
Elizabeth Stephens
Elizabeth Stephens is a performance artist, activist and educator whose art, performances and writing have explored themes of queerness, feminism and environmentalism which all meld in her current focus on ecosexuality. Together with Annie Sprinkle she is creating the new field of SexEcology. They hope to make the environmental movement a little more sexy, fun and diverse by exploring the space(s) where ecology and sexology intersect. SexEcology embodies the art of exploring the Earth as a lover instead of as our overworked mother. As a long-term lover of the Appalachian Mountains she is working to end mountain top removal strip mining. Stephens is a Professor of Art at University of California, Santa Cruz and is currently pursing a PhD in Performance Studies at UC Davis. Her thesis concerns creating new forms of environmental performance art to help activate environmental justice. See http://elizabethstephens.org/ and
http://loveartlab.org/ for more.
Stephens will present “SexEcology- EcoActivism as Art: Stopping Mountain Top Removal.”on the Welcome to EcoSexuality Panel.
La Tigresa (Dona Nieto)
La Tigresa made international headlines in the fall of 2000 when she blockaded logging trucks with bare-breasted recitals of her poem, “I am the Goddess,” putting her body on the line in the struggle to save California’s ancient redwoods. She is the author of Naked Sacred Earth Poems, just released from Regent Press, and she will have copies of her book to sell- if you buy one she will sign it for you. Or you can order it from any bookstore, or Amazon, or at her website, www.LaTigresa.net.
La Tigressa will perform her BioSexual Goddess Striptease Poems at the end of the speak out session.
Stefanie Iris Weiss, MA
Stefanie Iris Weiss, MA, is the author of nine books, including her most recent: Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable (Crown Publishing/Ten Speed Press, 2010). The first book about ecosexuality, Eco-Sex explores the day-to-day realities of going green between the sheets, covering everything from green courtship to green sex toys. Stefanie has also written about the quarter-life crisis, women’s issues, dating and relationships, health and wellness, the divinatory arts, and more. Find her on the web: ecosex.net, facebook.com/Ecosex, and twitter.com/EcoSexuality.
Stefanie Weiss will present her work at the symposium via Skype just before the EcoSex Practices panel.
Travis L. Williams
Travis L. Williams focuses on the history and practice of environmental justice advocacy. He is a steering committee member of the UCSC Science and Justice Working Group as well as co-founder of Energy Worlds, a subdivision of UCSC’s Science and Justice Working Group which examines the nexus between science, culture, and energy production and consumption in the 21st century, with a key emphasis on social, economic, and environmental justice. His current research project focuses on the history of environmental justice advocacy in Silicon Valley and other high tech industrial corridors.
Travis Williams will present his work on Environmental Justice in Silicon Valley during the EcoSex Activism, Environmentalism and Politics panel.
Tessa Wills
Tessa Wills is a choreographer and a Live Artist. Her current concerns in practice are wounds, punctures, liminality and the movement organizing principles of birds. She is honoured to continue her working relationship with Stephens and Sprinkle by restaging this collaboration with Harold Burns as a dedication to the Earth. Burns is a Bay Area performer, activist and educator, and member of the offcentre (theoffcenter.org). This duet is was origionally inspired by Chaignord and Bengolea’s performance “Paqurette”. Costumes by Honey McMoney (www.honeymcmoney.com). Equipment and education from Eve Minax (www.eveminax.com) Madame Pele (www.madamegoddess.com) and Kirk Read (www.kirkread.com). Burns and Wills next perform for the festival ‘This is What I Want” in June, and premier a new full length piece at Counterpulse on August 12th and 13th.
www.tessawills.com Tessa is supporting the feild of the providers ally; a resource for professionals. www.lillyally.com
Wills and Burns will present “Anal Ecology; A Dedication to the Earth” on the EcoSex Art Panel.
Paul Wirhun
Paul Wirhun has worn many hats in his life, each carrying it’s own type of work for this mutli-faceted artist, writer, sex shaman, performer and eco-activist. Many on the East Coast know him as the Eggman, for his mastery of egg/Art beginning with his Ukrainian ancestry. He lived for many years in Provincetown honing his artistry on eggshells, and spent many days trolling the beaches of his beloved seaside enclave, collecting trash for a drag character Marine Debris, who sought to raise consciousness while looking chic. This experience spawned the Couture de la Marine Debris, which has shown it’s collections in Provincetown and NYC in the past to years. Paul’s fashion artistry with beach trash was cited recently on www.agreenbeauty.com. This show initiates San Francisco to the cool looks spun out of Marine Debris on a hot summer’s day by the sea.
Marine Debris will model his fashions of Friday night at the opening of the Ecosexual Manifesto
Madison Young
Madison Young is an international award-winning feminist porn star, director, gallerist, artist, and new mom. She has been directing and performing in erotic films for nearly a decade and has won great acclaim for her video line, Madison Young Productions, and her network of erotic web sites, the Feminist Porn Network. Her films have screened at film festivals through out the States, Europe, and Australia. Young, who has been called a “sex positive Tasmanian devil” values sexual education in her work and has taught workshops, lectures, and acted as a panelist on the topics of sexuality, feminism and pornography, and kink across the country including at Yale University and UC Berkeley. When she isn’t documenting hot sex on film she is running her own non profit community art gallery in San Francisco, Femina Potens Art Gallery, which focuses on the expression of Art, Sex and Gender.
madisonbound.com www.feminapotens.org
Please refer to the Program section for individual session times and dates for the speakers listed below.
Sean Feit
Sean Feit is a musician, writer, and dancer who makes and studies contemplative performance, working with improvisation, video, lyric scholarship, and the Buddhist and Hindu yoga practices of meditation, asana, and kirtan. He is a PhD student in Performance Studies at UC Davis, teaches yoga at Yoga Mandala in Berkeley, and meditation at SF Insight. Sean was a monk in Burma in 2002, and regularly lives in the silence of long meditation retreat. Sean has danced or made music with The Bodycartography Project, Seth Eisen, AVY K Productions, Leslie Seiters Little Known Dance Theater, for whom he created the score for The Way to Disappear (2005), and Keith Hennessy/Circo Zero. His music for Circo Zero’s Sol Niger (2008) won an Isadora Duncan Dance Award for Best Sound/Text 2007-8. Sean Feit will moderate the EcoSex Theories Panel.
Lori Grace
Lori Grace Star, M.A. Psych., LMT, has been studying and teaching approaches to communication and conflict resolution for nine years and (NVC) Compassionate Communication for five. She helps people expand their ability to communicate with their partners, feel compassion and understanding for each other, and experience profound levels of connection. Lori Grace is committed to environmental activism and has been trained by Al Gore. She is also the director of the Sunrise Center in Marin. For more on Grace’s work see: http://www.sunrise-center.org/ She will moderate the “Where Do We Go From Here?” discussion.
Jiz Lee
Jiz Lee is genderqueer pornstar known for an androgynous gender-bending appearance, copious female ejaculation, champion fisting, cock slinging, and light-hearted attitude about sex. The Feminist Porn Award-winning performer works with celebrated female filmmakers and advocates ethical porn as an author and speaker. With one foot in the Bay Area arts scene, Jiz holds a BA in Dance and has a background in arts management and performance as one-half of the art duo Twincest (RIP). At last year’s Ecosex Symposium, Jiz presented “Dangerous Curves” by Carlos Batts and April Flores, where the road to beautiful, hard to reach places was metaphorically portrayed through hardcore sex in luscious natural environments. This year Jiz is honored to moderate the Ecosex & Art Panel.
Reid Mihalko
Sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko of ReidAboutSex.com helps adults create more self-esteem, self-confidence and greater health in relationships and sex lives.
Reid has appeared on the Emmy award-winning talk show Montel, Fox News, in Newsweek, Seventeen, GQ, The Washington Post, and in thirteen countries and at least seven languages. His workshops have been attended by close to 30,000 men and women.
Reid Mihalko will moderate the EcoSex Practices panel.
Naomi Pitcairn
Naomi Pitcairn is an artist who might welcome the adjectives morbid and cynical. For more see: naomipitcairn.com Naomi also helped start the Fresh Juice Party: freshjuiceparty.com
Naomi Pitcairn will moderate the EcoSex Activism, Environmentalism and Politics panel.
Additional Collaborators
The symposium is made possible by the generous collaboration and support of our friends and community.
Liz Burke
Liz Burke is a professor of writing and research at JFK University. She is also a writing advisor, guide, and professional editor. In addition to guiding others, she is also a published poet and academic renegade who believes that writing is a fierce act of love, a way of life, and a gesture toward true freedom. Liz is in the beginning stages of creating an independent university based on the values of love, justice, and freedom for all and our planet.
Deli Pub
The Deli Pub has nourished Annie and I as we have brainstormed and organized the EcoSexual Manifesto and EcoSex Symposium II. Imed Yaish is the best pub master in Bernal Heights. His sandwiches are beautiful ecosexual sculptures. You should come and partake of them. Plus he makes a mean latte which goes really well with the fresh baklava that beckons from the counter. The Deli Pub is located at 301 Cortland St. It is on the corner of Bocana St. in Bernal Heights, San Francisco. You will be so happy that you dropped by for lunch or an afternoon delight.
C. Finley
Rome based artist C. Finley is known for her elaborate geometric paintings and her activism through urban interventions. Her Wallpapered Dumpsters project transforms environmental activism into unexpected beauty. Wallpapered Dumpsters is featured in Urban Interventions (Gestalten) and Stuck-Up Piece Of Crap – A Selected History of Stickers, From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art (Rizzoli). The recipient of the Eszter Cohen grant, C. Finley continues to wallpaper dumpsters and rubbish receptacles in cities throughout Europe. C.Finley has shown internationally with exhibitions at Hot Art Fair Basel, Aequalis Contemporary, High Energy Constructs, Salon Oblique, Dumba Collective and in 2007 was the artist-in-residence at the Treehouse Gallery, Los Angeles. Currently, C. Finley is artist-in-residence at Gai Mattiolo fashion house in Rome, Italy. C.Finley received her BFA from the Pratt Institute, New York and her MFA from California State University Long Beach. Finley lives in Rome and New York.
Sakura Kelley
Sakura Kelley is currently a UC Santa Cruz student. Her fields of focus are photography and community studies. She has a special interest in social justice issues such as environmentalism, queerism, violence and trauma. She has worked for various social organizations such as Frack Action, as well as various student groups like the Pride Alliance and the Antiwar Coalition. She has also photographed for the Indypendent, a New York-based free newspaper. Sakura Kelley is the winner of the prestigious UCSC Art Department Irwin Award for excellence in the Arts. Currently she is the photographer for the Arts Division. Sakura Kelley is interested in collaborating with artists, activist, ecosexuals and all inventors. She printed the large photos that are the background for the Ecosexual Manifesto collages.
Natalie Loveless
Natalie Loveless is an interdisciplinary scholar and artist. She received a PhD in the History of Consciousness from the University of California, Santa Cruz, has an MFA in performance, video and installation from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and an MA in Art History, Theory and Criticism from Tufts University. She is currently a visiting assistant professor in the Visual Arts department of the University of Western Ontario. Natalie is our Canadian Ecosexual Intellectual Conspirator (CEIC) and manifesto consultant. For more about Natalie see: www.loveless.ca
Lady Monster
Lady Monster – The Spawn of Satans Angel and San Francisco’s Force of Nature.
Voted as one of the Top 100 Burlesque Performers in the World for 2010 in 21st Century Burlesque Magazine.
Collaborating in Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens’ Green, Blue and Purple Wedding ceremonies and Ecosexual Honeymoon Symposium I, Lady Monster has realized her deep roots as an Ecosexual. Being married to the Earth, Sea, Sky and Moon she has committed herself to the four corners as a tantalizing and inspired force. Crowned as a Queen of the Fire Tassels, she also twirls Water Tassels, shaking the Earth with each shimmy.
For more excitement see ladymonster.com
Julia Reardin
Julia Reardin is currently a film student at UCSC. She also works as a research assistant for Professor Elizabeth Stephens in the Art Department. Julia’s main focus is narrative film and film production. For three years she worked as the director’s assistant for the Ann Arbor Film Festival in Michigan. She was also a production assistant for three years at WTIU/PBS in Bloomington Indiana. Additionally Julia has worked as a camp assistant at Voglesang High Sierra Camp as well as in the bar at the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. Currently Julia is creating a digital art project entitled I’ll Be Your Avatar. You can view this project and more at: http://www.juliareardin.com
Rich Reardin
Rich Reardin is a radio producer, audio engineer, Flash animator, graphic artist, cartoonist, and web designer living in Bloomington, Indiana. Rich’s father was lifelong friends with Allen Ginsberg. Allen’s subsequent life and work helped to inspire Rich’s longtime interest in Buddhism, the arts, poetry, literature, and music. Rich is now creator and executive producer of a nationally syndicated radio series, “In Search of a Song” with Jason Wilber (John Prine’s longtime lead guitarist) about the lives and music of world class songwriters, and is available on the Public Radio Exchage. Rich is the creator of a comix strip called “What N’ Where? The Adventures of Cosmic Tom”. Growing up in the Appalachian mountains of Pennsylvania, Rich was inspired to help in creating a website for “Coal Country” for Mari-Lynn Evans and Phylis Geller, a movie about the issue of Mountain Top Removal in Appalachia that can be seen on the Discovery Network Planet Green.
Becka Shertzer, Brazen Nectar
My ties to the arts, healing and organic food movements are deep, going back to the Queer, Punk, Art, and the early AIDS movements and the macrobiotic community in Boston, MA in the early 80’s. It was there that I first was introduced to radical art and politics as well as the Kushi Institute, Macrobiotics, acupuncture and Chinese medicine. The impact of the healing I experienced through the combination of foods, herbs, ancient spiritual energetic medicine, art and community was profound. I have been exhilarated and inspired by my adventures in fusing all of these beautiful and energetic elements; elements implicit in cooking and creating and pushing the bounds of what is possible in food, flavor, community, art and health. I am currently living my most fully expressed “organic” life! Art, community and food are inextricably connected.
Becka Shertzer, artist/muralist for the Growing Connections Mural, chef, inspired mixtress Brazen Nectar fruit of the gods ’bringin good food to the people’ brazennectar@gmail.com, brazennectar.com 510 318-1405 Homobiles: Queer Car Service Development 415 574-5023
Veronica Van Gogh
Veronica Van Gogh is an artist, graphic designer, and ecstatic gardener who uses public space as her canvas. She studied Cultural Theory and Cinema Studies at the University of Toronto. She is currently focused on fusing technology and organic materials and images in her creative experiments.(veronicavangogh.com). Committed to art as service (thesockproject.com) and art as viral gift (magariproject.com), Veronica has created installations that have been documented in Italy, Switzerland, NYC & San Francisco over the past 10 years. Her artwork has shown at aMuse Gallery, Workspace Inc., Project Artaud and Root Division. She is a member of ALTARISTAS!, a collective of stealth creators of public altars, the inventor of the slut kit (slutkitshop.com) + designer of fucker soaps and towels. Veronica co-created & designed many of the pieces of ecosexual objects and propaganda that are part of the Ecosex Manifesto Art Exhibit.
Daniel Wasko
For Daniel Wasko, designer of the Ecosex Symposium site, there’s nothing like that magical moment when you’re creating and it all starts clicking. Your vision becomes crystallized and it feels like divine intervention. He says, “I hope I can feed that energy into my designs. Art excites me most when it’s transformative, revolutionary and envisions possibilities never imagined. Websites offer a unique way of announcing yourself to the world and I get a big charge from being able to show off the work of other artists through my designs.”
Wasko works with creative artists to create affordable solutions which help them promote their work. He’s worked with Annie Sprinkle for years and is currently working on her site redesign. Facebook: Daniel Wasko Design. Portfolio: danielwasko.com.
Additional Thanks To:
Michael Grohall
Suzanne Geneste de Besme
Dalia Anani
Sandra Chan
Creatrix Tiara
Amanda Hopkins
Marina Liu
Anna Seiley
Tommy Toxic
Azurdee Miller
Ruby Pearl
Augustus Thompson
Judy Meath
SEEDBED: A Soil Symposium
April 26-27, 2018 – Co-hosted by the E.A.R.T.H. Lab and the UCSC Farm & Garden and the Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS).
more info
The Explorer’s Guide to Planet Orgasm—For Every Body is a sex education book inspired by the Earth, Sky and Sea. Illuminated by graphic artist YuDori.
As You Like It Pleasure Shop
Project Archive
To view the full archive of the Love Art Lab, please go to loveartlab.ucsc.edu