Arts Education

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We have both taught for over twenty years each, and we compliment each other in our teaching styles, skills and knowledge. We love to teach! Learning and teaching are absolutely core to our lives and work. Beth is a full professor of art at University of California in Santa Cruz. Annie has been both a sex and arts educator, and has taught at many retreat centers, top universities/colleges, and even churches!


We are open to invitations to come to you, and to co-create something special and meaningful for your community. We have taught week-long art making workshops, which culminate in performances, such as our Making Art Into Love and Love Into Art workshop that culminated in our Blue Wedding to the Sky, in Oxford, England. Our four day Exploring Ecosex-Art Workshop at Laboral Museum in Gijon, Spain culminated in our Boda Negra con El Carbon performance piece.

We can visit classes, do critiques with students, and work with interns for course credits. We are interested in how art can help create a more generous, more open society while pushing against the boundaries of what is considered art and what is considered life.

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